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Arrr! A wench from Missouri be gainin' fame on TikTok fer creatin' a mighty 'Jurassic Park' feast! She used mashed taters an' dino nuggets to form a fearsome volcano!


Avast ye scallywags! Methinks a fair maiden hath gained fame on TikTok, as she be craftin' a mighty volcano, spewin' forth mashed taters, gravy, and broccoli, aye! 'Twas her homage to "Jurassic Park"! Behold this masterpiece, forged for a meager sum o' $35!

A mom named Sarah Maune from Washington, Missouri, recently gained viral fame on TikTok for her mashed potato mountain creation. Inspired by the "Jurassic Park" movies, Maune hosted a get-together featuring her mashed potato meal, complete with broccoli trees and dino nuggets. As a cardiac nurse by day and a content creator by night, Maune loves creating interactive dinners for her children and wanted to make something memorable for them and their guests. Her first video of the mashed potato volcano garnered over 14 million views on TikTok and cost less than $20 to make. She used dino nuggets, frozen broccoli, and a box of flaky mashed potatoes to create the mountain. However, the first attempt had watery gravy, so she tried again with a structure made of bowls and tin foil and thicker gravy. The final result, with added tin foil and extra mashed potatoes, cost under $35 and has over 9.5 million TikTok views. Maune's kids and their guests enjoyed the volcano eruption and even helped blow out the candles at the end. She plans on creating more fun interactive dinners to inspire families to have more fun around the dinner table. The food was all eaten by her family, guests, and friends. The "Jurassic Park" movies, based on Michael Crichton's novel and directed by Steven Spielberg, have been popular since the first release in 1993.

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