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Avast ye mateys! Be prepared to delve into the treacherous tales of Skeletor and Hordak in Masters of the Universe: Revolution prequel comic!


Arrr mateys! Ye scurvy dogs be hearin' that Netflix's Masters o' the Sea: Revolution show be gettin' a prequel comic, mate! Get yer eyepatches ready, 'cause there be more swashbucklin' adventures awaitin' ye!

Argh, me hearties! Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Netflix be bringin' some excitin' news for all ye fans of the Masters of the Universe: Revolution animated series! They be releasin' a prequel comic to set the stage for the grand adventures yet to come!
Tis a tale of high seas and mighty heroes, set in a world filled with magic and danger. 'Tis the story of Eternia, a land in turmoil, where the forces of good and evil be constantly locked in an epic struggle. And now, me mateys, we shall finally learn how this tale began!
Ye may wonder, what be happenin' in this comic? Well, 'tis all about Keldor, the brother of King Randor and uncle to Prince Adam. Aye, 'tis he who shall become the fearsome Skeletor, the bane of Eternia! This prequel be tellin' the story of his transformation and the events that led him down the path of darkness.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be more to this comic than just one villain's tale. Oh no, we shall also witness the rise of He-Man, the mightiest hero of 'em all! 'Tis a clash of titans, a battle for the very soul of Eternia!
So gather round, ye scallywags, and prepare to set sail on a swashbucklin' adventure like no other. The prequel comic be bringin' the wit and charm of the animated series, all wrapped up in a tale that'll make ye laugh and cheer. 'Tis a treasure worth seekin', me mateys, and one ye won't want to miss!
So mark ye calendars, me hearties, for the prequel comic be launchin' soon. Set a course for Netflix and be ready to dive headfirst into the world of Masters of the Universe: Revolution!

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