The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, Funko be sendin' off the Disney Villainous crew to plunder some treasure and clear our debt, mateys!


Avast ye mateys! Funko be continuin' to "streamline our business" by grantin' licenses to other scurvy dogs to create board games with our mighty crews. Aye, we be expandin' our reach across the seven seas! Arrr, it be a jolly good time to be a pirate!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I've got a tale to spin about the swashbuckling adventures of Funko, the mighty company known for its pop culture collectibles. But hold your horses, or should I say, hold your ships! For Funko be not just about figurines and toys anymore, oh no! They be venturing into the treacherous waters of board games!

Ye see, Funko be sayin' that they be "streamlining their business" by lettin' others take the helm of their board game teams. Aye, they be licensin' out their game-making expertise to others, hopin' to spread their influence far and wide across the seven seas of gaming.

Now, ye might be wonderin', why be Funko doin' this? Well, me mateys, it be all about expandin' their horizons and seekin' new treasures. By lettin' others take charge of their board game ventures, Funko can focus on what they do best - creatin' those adorable figurines that be bringin' joy to pirates and landlubbers alike.

But fear not, me hearties, for Funko be not abandonin' their board game lovers. Nay, they be still involved in the process, advisin' the new crews on how to navigate the choppy waters of game design. They be keepin' their fingers in the pie, makin' sure that their brand be represented in the best possible way.

So, whether ye be a collector of Funko treasures or a lover of board game adventures, there be no need to worry. Funko be sailin' on, expandin' their reach and conquerin' new territories. And who knows, me hearties, maybe one day ye'll be playin' a Funko board game, surrounded by their iconic little figures, and havin' a jolly good time. Arr!

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