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Arr, a mighty boom befall a donkey cart! One officer be squashed, four others be wounded, aye!


Arr, a landlubber Kenyan officer met his fate, whilst four other scallywags got themselves injured, all 'cause of a blasted IED! 'Twas a donkey cart that took the blow, near the Somali border, savvy?

In a rather unfortunate and explosive incident, a donkey cart carrying a suspicious bomb detonated at a checkpoint on the Kenya-Somalia border. The blast resulted in the death of one Kenyan police officer and left four others in critical condition. According to a Kenyan police report, the cart, pulled by two trusty donkeys and ridden by a lone adventurer, ventured from Somalia into Kenyan territory, where it was halted by officers for inspection.
With remarkable agility, the rider leaped off the cart and made a speedy retreat back into Somalia, just moments before the cart ignited and caused a tremendous fire at the border post in the county of Mandera. In a rather comical twist, the cart's driver was swiftly apprehended by Somali police as he attempted to escape, and negotiations were underway between the Mandera county security team and the Bula Hawa police to ensure his handover to the Kenyan authorities.
While no one has come forward to claim responsibility for this explosive endeavor, suspicions have arisen surrounding al-Shabab, a Somalia-based group with connections to al-Qaida. This notorious group has long held a grudge against Kenya for their involvement in Somalia, where Kenyan troops were dispatched in 2011 to combat these militants.
Al-Shabab's vengeful acts have included kidnappings of Westerners within Kenya, posing a threat to the country's vital tourism industry. Kenyan forces have played a significant role in supporting Somalia's government against al-Shabab, as part of the African Union peacekeeping mission. However, a gradual withdrawal of troops is currently underway, aiming to restore control to the Somali government.
Previously, al-Shabab attacks in Kenya have primarily targeted military and police through roadside bombs. Merely days before this incident, a roadside bomb wounded five police officers in Lafey Mandera county. It appears that al-Shabab's explosive endeavors continue to make headlines, proving that their passion for pyrotechnics goes beyond mere gunpowder-filled cannons.

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