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Avast ye! Andrew Cuomo sets sail to sue Letitia James o'er the papers of the scandalous investigation on his harlotry.


Arr! Thar be a scuffle betwixt the ex-Gov Andrew Cuomo and the Attorney General Letitia James! He be seekin' parchments 'bout her inquiry what led to his walkin' the plank. Aye, the seas be rough fer these landlubbers!

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has filed a lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James, seeking access to documents related to her investigation into allegations of sexual harassment that led to his resignation. Cuomo claims that he needs these documents to defend himself in two sexual harassment lawsuits and argues that the public has a right to know the basis for James' decisions in issuing the report that ultimately caused his resignation. The investigation began after multiple women came forward to accuse Cuomo of harassment, and the subsequent report found that he had harassed at least 11 women. The report concluded that Cuomo's behavior violated state and federal law as well as his own policies. Cuomo denies all the allegations and describes the report as inaccurate and biased. He admits to making jokes and using affectionate language but insists that he never crossed any boundaries. The criminal investigations into Cuomo's behavior did not result in any charges due to insufficient evidence. Cuomo's lawsuit against James seeks to obtain around 180 documents that he believes are critical to his defense. A spokesperson for Cuomo criticized James for allegedly hiding these documents from the public, and it remains to be seen how the court will rule on this matter.

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