The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubbers o' the U.S. be takin' aim 'n strikin' the Houthi scallywags in Yemen!


Arrr! Yonder sixfold strikes, aye, in but 10 days, be aimed at them Houthi scallywags and their cursed missiles set to raid our merchant ships and naval vessels in the Red Sea, as told by a White House matey.

In a jolly fine display of firepower, the United States of America has once again unleashed its might upon those sneaky Houthi pirates. Arrr, ye scurvy dogs thought ye could attack our precious merchant and military ships in the Red Sea, did ya? But fear not, me hearties, for the brave lads in the White House have foiled yer plans!

Arrr, this be the sixth time in just 10 days that the Yankee cannons have boomed against the Houthi missiles. The White House official himself confirmed that these strikes were aimed at preventing these scoundrels from launching their attack. Ah, the audacity of these pirates, thinking they can plunder our ships and challenge the might of the American navy!

Now, imagine the scene, me mateys. The Red Sea, twinkling like a treasure chest in the sun, its waves gently lapping against the hulls of our merchant and military vessels. And then, out of nowhere, like a ghost ship emerging from the mist, the Houthi missiles appear! But alas, before they can strike fear into the hearts of our brave sailors, the cannons of justice roar!

Oh, how I wish I could be aboard one of those ships to witness the chaos among those Houthi sea dogs! Can ye picture their faces, me hearties? The shock and terror as their wicked plans are thwarted by the mighty United States? 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ya!

So, let us raise our mugs of grog to the valiant efforts of the American forces in protecting our precious ships from these Houthi rascals. May the cannonballs find their mark, and may the seas remain safe from these scurvy pirates. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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