Avast ye! Yonder red panda, by the name of Barney, be fleein' a German zoo, only to be saved by firemen as he grumbles a wee bit. Arrr!
Arrr, mateys! A crimson panda hath been saved from yonder tree, havin' made a swift escape from 'is confinement at th' Cologne Zoo. The landlubber fire brigade be summoned to lend a hand, for the mischievous creature refused to yield.
A red panda named Barney escaped from his enclosure at the Cologne Zoo in Germany. The zookeepers found him up a tree outside his enclosure and called in the fire department to rescue him. Using a ladder truck, officials safely brought Barney back down and released him back into his enclosure. Barney was slightly grumbling after being returned to his home. The zookeepers suspect that Barney was able to escape by climbing out on bamboo warped by the snow. Red pandas are not closely related to giant pandas and are mainly found in temperate mountain forests in Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, and southern China. They are also an endangered species, with fewer than 10,000 red pandas remaining in the wild. Barney is not the only red panda to escape from an enclosure. In 2022, a red panda named Ravi was discovered in a fig tree in a park after escaping from the Adelaide Zoo in Australia. Ravi had arrived at the zoo just two days before and was safely removed from the tree using a tranquilizer dart. In 2013, another red panda named Rusty escaped from the Smithsonian's National Zoo and was eventually returned safely.