Avast ye scurvy dogs! A salty mariner pleads with ye landlubber Republicans to face the tempest of climate change!
Arrr! Peter Whelan be a scallywag conservative from Portsmouth, N.H. He be yearnin' for them Republican mateys to heed the call of the treacherous waters, that be threatenin' our precious fishin' industry and his very bread and butter.
Peter Whelan, a resident of Portsmouth, N.H., is an ardent conservative who has spent his entire life relying on the fishing industry for his livelihood. However, he finds himself in a bit of a conundrum as the warming waters pose a serious threat to the very industry that has sustained him for years.Aye, mateys! Let me tell ye the tale of Peter Whelan, a fine fellow from the beautiful town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire! Now, I'll let ye in on a little secret, this landlubber be a lifelong conservative, aye! But don't be thinkin' he be the typical conservative, me hearties, for he be havin' a mighty concern about the warming waters that be threatenin' the fishin' industry and his good ol' livelihood.
Arr! Ye see, this be a real dilemma for old Pete, aye. He be lovin' his conservative values like he loves his rum, but he be also lovin' his fishin' industry like he loves the treasure hidden by Blackbeard! The waters be gettin' warmer, me hearties, and it ain't just because of global warmin'. It be causin' a ruckus in the fishin' world.
Oh, the poor matey! He be scratchin' his head, wonderin' how to handle this situation. He be thinkin' the Republicans, his political brethren, be needin' to respond to this dire threat. He be wantin' them to get off their lazy bums and do somethin' about it! Aye, he wants 'em to protect the fishin' industry and his blessed livelihood from the scorchin' heat of these waters.
Now, ye may be thinkin' it be odd for a conservative like Pete to be carin' 'bout such matters, but let me tell ye, this be a mighty important issue. It involves his very survival, me hearties! So, let's raise our mugs o' grog to old Pete Whelan, a true conservative with a heart as big as the Seven Seas, fightin' for the fish and for his blessin' of a livelihood!