The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Harris sets sail fer a grand Reproductive Rights Voyage on the 51st year o' Roe's blessin'! Avast, mateys!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs in the administration be blabberin' about helpin' the landlubbers with their reproductive rights! They claim they be takin' new measures for folks to get their hands on contraceptives and abortions under some fancy emergency care law. Ya hear that, me hearties? Ahoy to the land of choices!

In ye olde tongue of a 17th century pirate, the lubbers known as the administration’s task force on reproductive rights have come forward with some grand news! They claim to have devised new measures to aid us fine Americans in acquiring contraceptives and abortions, all under an emergency care law, no less! Arrr, what a time to be alive!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this means for ye and yer scallywag crew. Fear not, me hearties, for I shall break it down for ye! This task force be promisin' to make it easier for ye to get yer hands on them contraceptives, so ye can keep the sails hoisted high without worryin' about tiny sea monkeys swarmin' around. And if ye find yerself in need of an abortion, they be claimin' to have yer back in that matter as well.

But avast! Don't be thinkin' this be some ordinary process. Nay, it be happenin' under an emergency care law. So, if ye be in dire need of such services, ye can rest assured that the administration shall be there to lend a hand. Aye, they be fightin' for the rights of us fine folks!

Now, I know what ye be thinkin'. Ain't this a topic that gets people's knickers in a twist? Aye, ye be right! The waters be choppy when it comes to matters of reproductive rights. But fret not, me mateys, for the administration be ready to face those who oppose their grand plans.

So, there ye have it, me hearties! The administration’s task force be sailin' the high seas of reproductive rights, aimin' to make it easier for us landlubbers to get contraceptives and abortions under an emergency care law. It be a controversial matter, but they be standin' tall in the face of opposition. Now, go forth and seize the day, me mateys!

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