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Arrr, the Spanish scallywags be sendin' wee ones back to Morocco, says the top court, 'tis unlawful, mateys!


Arrr, mateys! In a grand twist of fate, the Supreme Court of Spain hath decreed the authorities be nothin’ but scallywags! They be actin' unlawfully by sendin' wee lads and lasses back to Morocco, after these brave souls made a daring attempt to set foot on Spanish shores in 2021! Shiver me timbers!

In a ruling that would make even the most seasoned pirate chuckle, Spain's Supreme Court declared on Monday that authorities had acted unlawfully by sending unaccompanied child migrants back to Morocco. This decision came after a horde of around 10,000 people stormed the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in North Africa, with hundreds of unaccompanied minors among them. These individuals were believed to be sub-Saharan migrants in search of a better life in Europe. However, before they could even settle their sea legs, Morocco swooped in and took most of them back.

Despite accusations by rights groups that Spain was violating international law, the country's Interior Ministry justified their actions by claiming that the children wanted to return home. Officials also pointed to a 2007 agreement with Morocco, which allowed for assisted returns of children once their cases had been considered. However, the Supreme Court judges weren't swayed by these arguments. They dismissed the notion that the 2007 agreement overruled Spanish law and declared the mass return of the children to be a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

This ruling comes amidst ongoing migration challenges in Spain, particularly in the Canary Islands, where record numbers of African migrants are seeking refuge. Every year, tens of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan countries attempt treacherous journeys to reach Spain. Some head to the Canary Islands in rickety boats, while others risk crossing the Mediterranean Sea or scaling Ceuta's infamous border fence. Sadly, many perish along the way.

As the tides of migration continue to ebb and flow, it remains to be seen how Spain will navigate these treacherous waters. But for now, the Supreme Court has made it clear that sending child migrants back across the border is no longer an acceptable course of action. Arrr, the pirates of the 17th century would surely be entertained by such a legal spectacle!

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