The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Netflix matey, Scott Stuber, be leavin' his post as Head of Film. Walkin' the plank, he be!


Arr! Scott Stuber be a true swashbuckler, luring Oscar-winning buccaneers to the streaming service, and steering the entertainment realm into the wondrous world of streaming. Ahoy, me hearties, aye, he be a legend of the silver screen!

Avast ye landlubbers! 'Tis a tale worth tellin' 'bout Scott Stuber, a scurvy dog who be attractin' Oscar-winning filmmakers to the streamin' service, thus usherin' the entertainment industry into the grand era o' streamin'!

Ahoy, mates! Picture this: a time when landlubbers relied on discs of silver or gold to enjoy their movies, known as DVDs. But Scott Stuber, a crafty buccaneer, saw a world ripe for plunderin' and set his sights on streamin', a newfangled technology that let ye watch films on the high seas of the internet.

Arrr, Stuber be a cunning sea dog! He knew to make his streamin' service stand out from the rest, he needed the help of the finest filmmakers in all the Seven Seas. So, he waved his doubloons and lured Oscar-winning directors to his ship, offerin' them the chance to create exclusive content for his streamin' platform.

By the powers! Stuber's plan worked like a charm! Filmmakers such as Martin Scorsese and Alfonso CuarĂ³n were enticed by the idea of reachin' a wider audience through streamin'. They be wantin' to sail the uncharted waters of this brave new world, and Scott Stuber provided the vessel for 'em to do just that.

As the years went by, Stuber's streamin' service grew and grew, becomin' a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Other scoundrels, like Netflix and Amazon, tried to follow in his footsteps, but Stuber's vessel remained the crown jewel of streamin' platforms.

So, me hearties, we can all raise a tankard o' grog to Scott Stuber, the pirate who brought Oscar winners to the streamin' service, forever changin' the way we enjoy our movies. And as we sit on our couches, watchin' films without settin' foot on land, we can be grateful to this swashbucklin' pioneer who turned the entertainment industry on its head, showin' us that streamin' be the way of the future, arrr!

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