Avast ye mateys! Be ye sufferin' from poor hearin' or sight? Fear not! Adjust yer iPhone settings and see and hear like a true buccaneer!
Avast ye, me hearties! Gather 'round as Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson unearths the secrets to spyin' with sharper eyes and keener ears on yer trusty iPhone. A mere tweak to its settings be all ye need, me mateys! Avast, ye landlubbers, and behold the power of technology!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, technology be integral to our everyday lives, matey. And for those who be needin' a bit o' help with their vision or hearin', smartphones like the iPhone can be a real treasure. We've gathered some useful tips for ye scallywags with vision challenges or who be needin' a bit o' hearin' support. Avast! Before we dive in, if ye be an Android user, ye can find out how to increase the font size on yer Android here and learn how to unlock clearer sound here. CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK VIDEO TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER Arr! If ye be lookin' for a phone that has features specifically designed to help those with poor eyesight, ye may want to consider usin' the accessibility features available on both the iPhone 14 and Apple's latest iPhone 15 hardware. These fine devices offer features such as adjustin' the text size, color intensity, and tint to make readin' easier. They also have VoiceOver, which be helpin' ye navigate by listenin' and performin' gestures, and the Magnifier, which be allowin' ye to zoom in on objects near ye. Now, here be some simple ways to make yer iPhone more accessible for ye low vision or blind pirates. Here be how to increase and bold the text. MORE: NEVER MISS A CALL AGAIN, EVEN WHEN YOUR PHONE’S IN ANOTHER ROOM Yo-ho-ho! Many apps let ye adjust the size of specific items on the screen. Ye can use two fingers to make things bigger or smaller in Photos or Safari. Ye can also use the Zoom feature to enlarge the whole screen or just a portion of it. There be Full Screen Zoom and Window Zoom modes ye can choose from. Here be how to set up Zoom to make content more accessible for ye low vision mateys. On the same screen, ye can also adjust any of the followin': This feature be helpin' ye zoom in on small text or objects, makin' 'em more accessible. Ye can also use the Magnifier app to point and speak. All ye have to do be point yer iPhone at anythin' and let it speak what it sees. Click here to find out more about that amazin' feature, me hearties. VoiceOver be a screen reader that lets ye use yer iPhone with voice feedback. It tells ye what’s on yer screen, like the battery level, the caller ID, and the app ye be usin'. Ye can change the voice speed and tone to yer likin'. When ye touch the screen or drag yer finger over it, VoiceOver speaks the name of the item yer finger be on, includin' icons and text. Here be how to set up VoiceOver on yer iPhone. But beware, mateys, VoiceOver be changin' the gestures ye use to control yer iPhone. Ye must use VoiceOver gestures when it be on. Here be how to set it up. This be a feature that lets ye have any text on yer screen spoken aloud by Siri. Here be how to enable it. MORE: ARE APPLE AIRPODS PRO AN ALTERNATIVE TO PRICEY HEARING AIDS?Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Here be 7 tips and features to enhance the accessibility of yer iPhone for hearin' impairments, such as usin' hearin' aids, Live Listen, visual alerts, RTT calls, FaceTime, video subtitles, headphone accommodation, and hearin' aid apps. MORE: 8 GREAT IPHONE ACCESSIBILITY TIPS TO MAKE LIFE EASIER Shiver me timbers! 1) Made for iPhone hearin' aids: These be devices that be designed to work seamlessly with yer iPhone. They can stream audio from yer iOS device directly to yer hearin' aids and let ye adjust the volume and settings of yer hearin' aids from yer device. Ye can also use yer iOS device as a microphone to pick up sounds around ye and send 'em to yer hearin' aids. To check compatibility with yer Apple devices or for how to use 'em click here, ye scurvy dog. 2) Live Listen: Turn yer iPhone into a remote microphone that streams sound to yer hearin' aids or AirPods usin' Live Listen. This be useful when ye want to hear someone more clearly, like in a noisy environment or when they be far away from ye, me hearties. To use Live Listen, follow these steps: MORE: 8 INCREDIBLY USEFUL THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH AIRPODS Arr, matey!