The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs o' the sea, them astronomers be settin' their sights on a notorious black hole once more!


Avast ye, me hearties! Many a time have we scoured the stars, and lo! Repeated reckonings reveal that the monstrous black hole in Messier 87 doth still follow Einstein's reckonings, just as the wise lad had foreseen! Yo ho ho!

Arr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Word has come from the landlubbers that they've been studyin' somethin' called a supermassive black hole in the galaxy Messier 87. Aye, ye heard right, a black hole! Now, this ain't just any black hole, mind ye. This be a whoppin' big one that be messin' with Einstein's theory.

Now, what be this Einstein's theory ye may be askin'? Well, me hearties, it be somethin' about gravity, time, and space. It's like havin' a compass that tells ye where to go in the vast ocean of knowledge. Arr, it be a clever theory, that it be.

So, these landlubbers been studyin' this black hole, and what do they find? They find that this monstrous beast be actin' just like Einstein said it would! It be bendin' light, it be warpin' space, and it be sittin' there, all massive and mysterious.

Now, I know what ye thinkin', me hearties. Ye be thinkin', "Why should we care about some black hole in the middle of nowhere?" Well, let me tell ye, lads and lasses. Understandin' how these black holes behave be the key to unlockin' the mysteries of the universe. It be like findin' the hidden treasure, it be!

So, next time ye be lookin' up at the night sky, raise ye mug of grog to that supermassive black hole in Messier 87. It be confirmin' what Einstein said, and showin' us that even in the vastness of space, there be some things we can count on. Arr, ain't that somethin'?

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