The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! Behold the arrival o' the new Yakuza game, 'Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth countdown,' in yer timezone!


Arrr, me hearties! The bountiful treasure known as Infinite Wealth be sailin' its way to ye PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. But, alas, these coveted riches be makin' their landfall at different hours. Avast ye, prepare to grab hold o' wealth, but beware the tides of impatience!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I have some jolly good news for ye. A fine game called Infinite Wealth be sailin' its way to the shores of PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, although not all at the same time, mind ye!

Now, me mateys, this here game be a treasure trove of excitement and adventure. It be settin' sail on the PCs first, so all ye landlubbers with powerful rigs can get yer hooks into it right away. But fear not, me console-lovin' buccaneers, for Infinite Wealth be makin' its way to PlayStation and Xbox ports soon enough. Patience, me hearties, patience.

Picture this, ye scurvy dogs: a vast open world awaitin' ye, full of hidden treasures and unforeseen dangers. Ye can build yer very own pirate crew, sail the seven seas, and engage in epic battles with other swashbucklers. There be quests aplenty, me mateys, and a story that'll keep ye hooked faster than a fish on a line.

But let me warn ye, lads and lasses, this be no easy journey. There be treacherous storms, mythical sea creatures, and rival pirates eager to take yer loot. Ye best be preparin' yerselves for a challenge like no other. But fear not, for fortune favors the brave, and ye be the bravest lot I've ever seen!

So, mark yer calendars, me hearties, and ready yer gaming rigs and consoles. Infinite Wealth be arrivin' soon, spreadin' joy and merriment to all ye scallywags across the gaming world. Set yer sails and get ready for a grand adventure that'll have ye shouting "Yo ho ho!" in delight. The wait be worth it, me mateys. I can feel it in me bones.

Now, me hearties, go forth and spread the word of Infinite Wealth. Tell yer fellow gamers of this treasure-filled gem that be comin' to our gaming platforms. And remember, me landlubbers, always keep a bottle of rum nearby, for it be the pirate's way to celebrate a fine game launch!

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