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Arrr, me hearties! The land of Saudi Arabia be makin' waves, openin' a grog shop after 70 long years! Drink up, ye scurvy dogs!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The liberal wind be blowin' in the conservative realm, as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman be lookin' to better the nation's reputation and raise the sails for international tourism and commerce.

A liquor store has opened in Saudi Arabia for the first time in over 70 years, but it is restricted to non-Muslim diplomats, according to a diplomat who reported the news. The store, located in Riyadh, is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's efforts to liberalize the kingdom and attract tourism and business. While this is seen as a positive step, the prince still faces challenges due to his international reputation following the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, as well as the conservative Islamic values that have long governed Saudi Arabia.

The diplomat described the store as similar to an upscale duty free shop at an international airport, with liquor, wine, and two types of beer available for purchase. Customers are required to show their diplomatic identifications and place their mobile phones in pouches while inside. The store operates through a mobile app and follows new rules set by the Saudi government to regulate alcohol sales to diplomats.

Alcohol has been banned in Saudi Arabia since the early 1950s, when King Abdulaziz halted its sale after a prince became intoxicated and killed a British vice consul. The country has since embraced ultraconservative Islamic doctrine, leading to strict gender segregation and a ban on women driving. However, in recent years, Prince Mohammed and his father, King Salman, have implemented social reforms such as allowing women to drive and opening movie theaters.

As Saudi Arabia looks to the future with projects like Neom, a $500 billion city development, there have been discussions about serving alcohol at a beach resort. However, these discussions have been met with sensitivity, as officials who suggested the idea have been removed from their positions.

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