The Booty Report

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Arr! The British military brass be callin' fer a 'citizen army' whilst the Swedish defense chief be warnin' o' possible war on the horizon!


Arrr, th' cap'n o' Britain's army be sayin' we scurvy dogs need trainin' n' gearin' up fer a possible war, as them Russkies be a fearsome threat near these parts!

The head of the British army, Gen. Sir Patrick Sanders, has called for Britain to train and equip its citizens in preparation for a potential war with Russia. He emphasized that simply increasing the number of reserve forces would not be sufficient to fight a land war with Russia and that the nation must undertake a "whole-of-nation" effort. Sanders cited the threat faced by other countries closer to Russia, such as Sweden, which has warned its citizens to brace for possible conflict with Moscow. He also mentioned the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine as a reason for the UK to maintain its military capabilities. Sanders proposed expanding the size of the British army to 120,000 within three years, but stressed that this alone would not create the necessary capability. He called for the creation of a "citizen army," stating that regular armies start wars while citizen armies win them. The threat of Russia has NATO countries on edge, with Sweden even signing a defense pact granting the US access to all Scandinavian military bases. Swedish officials have expressed concerns over the possibility of war in the country, urging citizens to mentally prepare. General Micael Byden, the commander in chief of the Swedish armed forces, also warned Swedes to prepare for the possibility of war as their nation approaches NATO membership.

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