The Booty Report

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Arr! FC 24 TOTY be addin' the almighty Mbappe - and a crew o' fierce lasses for the first time!


Bellingham and Bonmati be joinin' the ranks o' th' FC 24 TOTY release! Avast! 'Tis a fine sight to behold, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this fine tale of Bellingham and Bonmati, two brave souls who be makin' their way into the FC 24 TOTY release schedule. Aye, ye heard it right, they be gettin' recognition for their skills and prowess on the pitch.

Now, ye may be wonderin' who these scallywags be, so let me introduce ye to 'em. Bellingham, a young lad with a fire in his heart, be showin' his mettle on the field. His quick feet and sharp mind be leavin' many opponents in his wake, and the TOTY be takin' note of his talents.

Ah, but let's not forget about Bonmati, a crafty lass with a skillful touch. She be dancin' around her foes, makin' 'em look like landlubbers. Her precision and vision be catchin' the eye of the TOTY committee, and rightly so!

Now, ye may be thinkin' to yerself, "Why be they talkin' like pirates?" Well, me mateys, 'tis all in good fun! We be takin' a trip back to the 17th century, where pirates ruled the seas and talkin' like 'em be the norm.

So, imagine yerself on a creaky old ship, with a crew of misfits and scoundrels. Ye be cheerin' for Bellingham and Bonmati, shoutin' their names with a hearty "Yarr!" They be representin' the spirit of adventure and excitement that be found in the beautiful game.

But let's not forget, me hearties, that this be all in jest. The TOTY release schedule be a serious matter, and Bellingham and Bonmati be truly deservin' of their place. They be showin' us that talent knows no age or gender, and that the game be for everyone.

So raise yer glasses, me mateys, and toast to Bellingham and Bonmati! May their future be as bright as a shimmerin' treasure chest in the sun. And remember, even in the language of a 17th century pirate, we can still celebrate the triumphs of the present day. Arrr!

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