The Booty Report

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Arr, King Charles be sailin' to the ol' hospital, he be needin' a bit o' work on 'is prostate, matey!


Avast ye, mateys! Word has reached me ears that Buckingham Palace be claimin' that the king be gettin' himself some treatment at a London hospital. And as for Catherine, the Princess of Wales, she be still achin' in the hospital after gettin' her belly cut open last week, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have some news from the land of the fine English folks. Word has reached me ears that the king himself, yes, the one who calls Buckingham Palace his abode, is currently residing in a London hospital. Aye, you heard it right! The king needs some medical attention, it seems.

But that ain't all, me mateys! The fair maiden known as Catherine, Princess of Wales, is also still held captive in a hospital after some surgery on her belly last week. Aye, she's been through quite the ordeal, poor lass.

Now, I must say, it be quite a sight to have both the king and the princess laid up in hospitals at the same time. It makes ye wonder what be happening in the royal court, doesn't it? Maybe they caught a nasty case of scurvy or drank too much of the grog, who knows?

One thing be certain though, me hearties, it be a serious matter when the king and his princess need medical care. It shows that even those high and mighty folks in all their splendor and riches be mortal after all. Aye, no amount of gold can save ye from the clutches of ailment or injury.

So, let us send our best wishes to the king and the princess, may they recover swiftly and return to their royal duties. And let us also hope that when they do, they bring with 'em tales of their adventures in the land of the hospitals, for I bet they be quite the sight to see!

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