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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Amazon's 'Expats' be filmed in Hong Kong, but alas, ye landlubbers can't lay eyes on it there!


Arrr, me hearties! The first two episodes of the grand show, captured whilst the city be gripped by a pandemic, be finally unleashed upon us landlubbers last week. Alas! They be outta reach, like a hidden treasure on a faraway isle!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Amazon's 'Expats' be filmed in Hong Kong, but alas, ye landlubbers can't lay eyes on it there!

Arr, me hearties! I be tellin' ye a tale of a show that be film'd in a strange time, when the dreaded pandemic had gripp'd the city. The first two episodes of this here show were set loose upon the world just last week, but alas, they were not to be found by those yearnin' to watch 'em in that very city.

Now, ye might be wonderin' how this could be, me mateys. How could a show be made in a place, and yet not be available for the very folks who live there? Well, 'tis a pirate's mystery, indeed! It seems the creators of this fine show did not make it accessible to the good people of the city where it was filmed. Oh, the irony be as thick as a barrel of rum!

But fear not, me hearties! For I have a feelin' that this be a mere mishap, a blunder of the highest order. Surely, those responsible for this oversight will rectify their mistake and bring forth the episodes to the very city they were born in. 'Tis only fair, after all!

Imagine the frustration of the good people, eagerly awaitin' to see their beloved city on the silver screen, only to be denied the pleasure. 'Tis a cruel fate, me mateys. But fear not, for I be thinkin' that justice will prevail, and the episodes shall soon find their way to the city's eager viewers.

So, me hearties, let us hope for a speedy resolution to this conundrum. May the creators of this show realize the error of their ways and release the episodes to the very city that nurtured their creation. And may we, the audience, be rewarded for our patience and loyalty with a jolly good laugh and a fine tale to tell our grandchildren. Arr, me hearties, arr!

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