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Arr! DOD be doubting those scurvy dogs claim to stop attacks on US troops. 'Tis deeds that count, not words, matey!


Arrr, the scallywag Department of Defense be raisin' an eyebrow at the claim o' an Iran-backed militia, swearin' they be suspending attacks on our brave lads 'n lasses, after a fearsome drone attack be sendin' three o' our soldiers to Davy Jones' locker on the early Sunday morn!

An Iran-backed militia group in Iraq, Kataeb Hezbollah, has announced that it will suspend attacks on U.S. troops following a drone attack that killed three soldiers. However, the Department of Defense is skeptical of this claim. The group stated that it is halting operations to avoid embarrassing the Iraqi government. Kataeb Hezbollah is one of several Iranian proxies in the region that have been carrying out attacks on U.S. targets in response to American support for Israel's offensive against Hamas militants. Since October 17, there have been a total of 165 attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. Meanwhile, Houthi militants in Yemen have been attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea. In response, the U.S. and its allies have conducted retaliatory strikes.
Kataeb Hezbollah has stated that it will support Palestinians in Gaza in other ways and has instructed its fighters not to respond even in the event of a U.S. strike. However, the Pentagon remains unconvinced and emphasizes that actions speak louder than words. The U.S. has called on Iranian proxy groups to cease their attacks, but they have not complied. The Pentagon warns that it will respond in its own time and manner. President Biden is under pressure to respond after the drone strike in Jordan resulted in the deaths of three soldiers and numerous injuries. While Biden blames Iran-backed militias for the attack, his administration insists that it does not seek to escalate tensions with Iran. This attack marks a significant escalation in the ongoing violence since October 17, as it is the first time U.S. troops have been killed by enemy fire.

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