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Arr, the lone Catholic cardinal of Panama hath been spotted alive after a wee disappearance, me hearties!


Avast ye! Word be spreadin' that the Panamanian scallywags be findin' the spry 79-year-old Cardinal José Luis Lacunza, a holy matey of the Roman Catholic crew. He be missin' near the border o' Costa Rica, but fear not, for he be alive and kickin'!

In a surprising turn of events, a Roman Catholic cardinal who mysteriously disappeared in western Panama has been found alive, much to the relief of church officials. The Spanish Cardinal José Luis Lacunza had last been seen on Tuesday, but details surrounding his discovery remain scarce.

The Panama Episcopal Conference released a statement confirming the cardinal's safe return on Thursday afternoon, ending a period of uncertainty. The state prosecutors in Chiriqui had previously initiated an investigation into his disappearance, considering it a matter of great concern.

As the bishop for the David archdiocese in Chiriqui, Lacunza's absence was particularly significant, leading the local archdiocese to report his disappearance to the authorities. Panama's interim attorney general, Javier Caraballo, explained that investigators were en route from the capital to Chiriqui to conduct interviews and shed light on this puzzling situation.

Notably, Lacunza is the sole Catholic cardinal in Panama, making his disappearance an even more peculiar occurrence. The news of his vanishing sparked widespread attention and concern, prompting an extensive search effort. Thankfully, the cardinal's recovery has brought a sigh of relief to both the church and the community at large.

While the details surrounding the cardinal's ordeal remain shrouded in mystery, the fact that he has been found alive is cause for celebration. This unexpected turn of events reminds us that life can be full of surprises, even for esteemed members of the clergy.

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