The Booty Report

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Avast me hearties! Pray tell, where be the scallywag Michael Haley, the matey of Nikki Haley?


Set sail for Djibouti, me hearties! Away went Maj. Michael Haley, leavin' behind the whirlwinds and tempests of his wife's White House quest. Fear not, for he be a mighty force in her campaign, still holdin' a grand presence like a sturdy ship amidst the stormy seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Let me spin ye a tale about Maj. Michael Haley, a brave soul who be deployed to the distant lands of Djibouti. While he be fightin' for his country, his loyal wife, a fierce lass named Nikki Haley, be settin' her sights on the White House.

Now, ye might think that Maj. Haley be missin' out on all the excitement, the highs and lows of his wife's grand adventure. But fear not, me mateys, for he be a big presence in her campaign, even from afar. He be supportin' her every step of the way, offerin' his wisdom and guidance through the magic of modern technology.

Ye see, Maj. Haley may not be standin' by his wife's side, but he be sendin' messages of encouragement and strategic advice via the infernal contraption known as the internet. He be like a ghostly whisper in her ear, a trusted advisor in the digital realm.

And let me tell ye, me hearties, his absence be bringin' out the best in Nikki Haley. She be fightin' with a fire in her belly, determined to make her husband proud. She be takin' on the political scallywags with a fierce determination and a sparkle in her eye.

So, even though Maj. Haley be missin' the thrill of the campaign trail, he be standin' tall in spirit. And when he finally returns from his noble quest, he be greeted by a wife who be stronger and more determined than ever before.

So raise yer glasses, me hearties, and let us toast to Maj. Michael Haley and his brave wife Nikki. May their journey be filled with adventure, laughter, and a treasure trove of votes!

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