The Booty Report

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Yarr! 'Tis said that mimics o' strokes beget more PTSD than the strokes themselves, matey!


Arr, mateys! Them landlubbers what be havin' symptoms like a stroke, but be diagnosed with migraine or peripheral neuropathy, be findin' themselves at a higher risk o' gettin' the dreaded PTSD than those with a proper stroke. Yo ho ho!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Listen to this peculiar tale! It seems that those poor souls who be sufferin' from symptoms akin to a stroke, but be diagnosed with naught but a migraine or peripheral neuropathy, be findin' themselves at greater risk o' gettin' a condition known as PTSD. Aye, ye heard it right!
Now, ye might be wonderin' what be this PTSD. Well, me hearties, it stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition that can plague a soul after they've been through some harrowin' experience. But here be the twist, mateys - it seems that these landlubbers with migraines or peripheral neuropathy be at a higher risk for this condition than those who have actually had a stroke! Aye, ye heard it right again!
Now, I reckon ye might be askin' yerself how this be possible. Well, the scurvy dogs who conducted this study reckon that it be all about the misinterpretation of symptoms, ye see. When ye be feelin' like ye be havin' a stroke, but the truth be that ye just be havin' a pesky migraine or peripheral neuropathy, it can mess with yer mind, it can. It be like trickin' yer brain into believin' that somethin' truly terrible be happenin'.
So, there ye have it, me hearties! If ye be feelin' like ye be havin' a stroke, but the doctors be sayin' it be only a migraine or peripheral neuropathy, ye might just find yerself sailin' into the treacherous waters of PTSD. It be a strange world we be livin' in, indeed. Take care, me hearties, and may the winds be always at yer back!"

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