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Avast ye mateys! John Bruton, a scurvy dog who once ruled Ireland and sailed as EU ambassador, be takin' a final plunge at 76.


Avast ye landlubbers! John Bruton, a fine fellow, met his maker at the ripe old age of 76. As the Irish Prime Minister, he played a vital role in the peace accord of '98 with them Northern Ireland scallywags. He then set sail as the European Union's envoy to the good ol' USA.

Former Irish Prime Minister John Bruton, known for his involvement in the peace negotiations in Northern Ireland and his role as the European Union's ambassador to Washington, has passed away at the age of 76 after battling a long illness.
Bruton, who served as the head of the Fine Gael party from 1994 to 1997, played a crucial part in negotiating the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which aimed to bring peace and stability to Northern Ireland. His efforts in collaboration with British leaders and political groups in Northern Ireland helped pave the way for this historic agreement, which was later signed by his successor, Bertie Ahern.
In addition to his contributions to the peace process, Bruton also made a significant economic decision by lowering Ireland's corporate tax rate, making it one of the lowest in Europe. This move played a pivotal role in fueling the economic boom known as the Celtic Tiger in the late 1990s.
Bruton's family confirmed his passing, stating that he died peacefully in the Mater Private Hospital in Dublin, surrounded by loved ones. His legacy as a statesman and peacemaker will be remembered by many, and his dedication to improving relations within Ireland and abroad is widely acknowledged.

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