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Arrr, mateys! Israel be tellin' them scurvy dogs in Gaza to pack up and leave! Arr, war be brewin' with Hamas!


Arr, Israel's scurvy military be makin' all them landlubbers scuttle 'n flee, takin' o'er two-thirds o' the cursed Gaza Strip. The fightin' with them scallywags from Hamas be goin' on fer four long months now, arr!

Israel has ordered an evacuation of two-thirds of the Gaza Strip, as the conflict with the Hamas terror group continues. According to United Nations humanitarian monitors, the evacuation order covers approximately 95 square miles of the Palestinian territory, affecting 77% of Gaza’s population. The ongoing war has rendered much of the area unlivable.
The Israeli military claims that the evacuation order includes residential areas throughout the south, as it continues to target Hamas, which it alleges often operates within civilian sites. As a result, most of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have sought shelter in the town of Rafah, near the border with Egypt, and surrounding areas. Unfortunately, many Palestinians are now living in makeshift tents without reliable access to food or water.
Tens of thousands of people have already fled, and continue to flee, from the central and southern parts of the territory. The war was triggered by a deadly attack by Hamas on border communities in southern Israel, resulting in over 1,200 deaths and the kidnapping of over 200 hostages. Israel aims to eliminate Hamas’ rule in the territory and secure the release of its remaining hostages.
Efforts are underway to negotiate a cease-fire that includes ending military operations, releasing hostages, and allowing much-needed humanitarian aid into the region. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has returned to the Middle East to help stabilize the situation, as the Israel-Hamas war has led to conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Jordan. The Associated Press has contributed to this report.

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