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Arrr! Avast ye, scurvy dogs! Aye, the kin of thar hostages be sayin' Israel should keep brawlin' with the scoundrels o' Hamas!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A few kinfolk of hostages held in Gaza be arguin' that Israel's military mustn't be too hasty to end the war, even if it means their loved ones be stuck in captivity for longer. Arr, such be their strange way of thinkin'!

Arrr! Avast ye, scurvy dogs! Aye, the kin of thar hostages be sayin' Israel should keep brawlin' with the scoundrels o' Hamas!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scallywags, for I have some tales to tell ye about the current war in Gaza. It seems that there be some kinfolk of them hostages held captive by them rascally pirates in Gaza who be arguin' that Israel's military should not be too swift to end the war, even if it means their dear ones stay in captivity a while longer. Aye, ye heard me right!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why on earth these lads and lasses be wishin' such misfortune upon their own kin. Well, according to these fine folks, if the war continues, it be puttin' pressure on them pirates to release the hostages, just like a stubborn barnacle bein' pried off a ship's hull. They be thinkin' that if Israel's military be keepin' the fight goin', them pirates be more likely to give in to their demands and set the prisoners free.

But I must say, me hearties, it be a peculiar way of thinkin'. Ye see, these relatives be arguin' for the prolongin' of their loved ones' captivity, all in the hopes of gainin' their freedom sooner. It be a bit like wishin' for a storm to continue ragin' so that ye can find shelter in its aftermath. Aye, it be a twisted logic, I tell ye!

Now, don't ye be misunderstandin' me, mateys. I be understandin' the desperation and worry these folks be feelin' for their kin. But pray tell, does it not seem a wee bit folly to be advocate for prolongin' the sufferin' of their own flesh and blood, even if it be for a noble cause? Methinks there be other ways to negotiate and secure the release of the hostages, without havin' to endure more bloodshed and heartache.

So, me hearties, let's hope that wiser heads prevail, and the war be brought to an end soon. May the hostages be released safe and sound, and may peace wash over the troubled waters of Gaza. Arr!

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