Avast ye! J&J, Merck and Bristol Myers Squibb scallywags be summoned to the Senate to talk drug prices!
Arrr! On Thursday, the bigwigs o' three mighty companies be facin' a Senate panel, captained by none other than Mr. Sanders. He be fightin' tooth 'n nail to cut down the plunderin' prices of medicines, ye see.
In the jolly seas of Washington, D.C., there be a fierce battle brewin' over the treacherous territory of drug costs! Arr, it be a tale fit for the finest buccaneers. The notorious Mr. Sanders, a fearsome captain of the Senate panel, be leadin' the charge against three major companies and their scurvy top executives.On the grandest of days, Thursday be its name, the executives shall face the wrath of Mr. Sanders and his band of merry senators. This be no ordinary skirmish, me hearties, for the issue at hand be as valuable as a chest of hidden gold – the lowering of drug costs, ye see.
As the sun rises high in the sky, the Senate panel shall commence their interrogation. Picture it, me fellow pirates, a room filled with intrigue, wit, and perhaps a touch of mischief. The executives, trembling in their boots, must defend their actions and explain why they be chargin' such exorbitant prices for their precious potions.
But fear not, me salty sea dogs, for Captain Sanders be no pushover. He be known far and wide for his fierce determination and his unwavering commitment to the people. He be ready to make those executives walk the plank, metaphorically speakin' of course.
So sit tight, me mateys, and grab a barrel of popcorn, for the battle shall surely be entertaining. Will the executives swindle their way out of trouble? Or will Mr. Sanders and his crew expose their cunning schemes? Only time will tell, but rest assured, the outcome be of utmost importance for all who sail these treacherous seas of healthcare.