The Booty Report

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Arrr, afore the inferno, Lutsen Lodge Resort o' Minnesota be havin' inspection infractions that be left unattended, matey!


Arr, ye scurvy regulators be blabberin' 'bout Lutsen Lodge, a grand ol' inn burnt to ashes! They say it had three fire code violations, ye scurvy scalawags. Mayhaps those be the reason it ended up a smokin' ruin.

In a comical 17th-century pirate language, Minnesota regulators be sayin' that a mighty historic lodge, which be destroyed in a fiery inferno, had three unresolved violations from a recent fire code inspection. But, arrr, it be unclear if them violations had any part in startin' the blaze, mateys!

A scallywag at the Lutsen Lodge on Lake Superior spotted smoke a-risin' from the electrical outlets in the lobby's mighty floor around midnight on Tuesday. The landlubber made it out safely, and there be no guests checked in, but alas, the lodge be turned to ashes.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety be sayin' that the State Fire Marshal division inspected the place in July and found a grand total of seven violations. The property owner be fixin' four of 'em, but three still be unresolved like a treasure that's yet to be found.

"It be too soon in the investigation to be knowin' if them three outstanding violations be playin' a part in the fire," they be sayin' in a release.

A message be left for the resort, but it be unclear when the investigation will be done.

Lutsen, a place that be startin' back in 1885, be claimin' to be Minnesota's oldest resort, with the lodge bein' its crown jewel. It be a beloved destination for hikers, skiers, and other scallywags from the mighty Midwest and beyond.

This ain't the first time the main lodge be burnin' down. It be rebuilt after a fire back in 1951, and the brave lodge operators be promisin' to rebuild it once more.

But alas, rumors be spreadin' like a wildfire, sayin' that the owner, Bryce Campbell, may have started the fire to get rid of his debts. Arrr, he be denyin' those claims, sayin' his heart be broken, and he be mournin' the loss of the lodge, a mighty piece of his life.

One of the locals, Jay Halverson, be sayin' that Campbell owes him a hefty sum in rental proceeds, and he be mighty suspicious of the fire's cause.

So mateys, the investigation be still goin' on, and the truth be hidden like a buried treasure.

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