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Arrr, the trinkets fer the 2024 Paris Olympics be crafted from pieces o' the Eiffel Tower, me hearties!


Arrr! Avast ye! Thar be tales o' pieces o' iron plundered from the grand Eiffel Tower, now adornin' the gold, silver, and bronze medals fer the Paris Olympic Games in 2024! The scallywags in charge spilled the beans on Thursday, they did!

In a clever twist, the organizers of the Paris Games have unveiled their innovative design for the Olympic medals, which will feature a piece of the iconic Eiffel Tower. Each gold, silver, and bronze medal will be inlaid with a polished chunk of iron taken from the renowned landmark. The iron pieces were sourced from girders and other parts that were replaced during the tower's renovations. They were then stripped of paint, polished, and varnished to be incorporated into the medals. The hexagonal shape of the iron pieces represents France, as the country is often referred to as "L'Hexagone" due to its shape. Paris jewelry house Chaumet has designed the medals, with six small clasps that hold the iron pieces, reminiscent of the rivets that hold the Eiffel Tower together.

Not only will these medals be a symbol of sporting achievement, but they will also serve as a piece of history, as athletes will take home a part of France and its iconic landmark. The medals are also environmentally conscious, as the metal used is all recycled, not newly mined. The Olympic medals feature the image of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, as well as a small representation of the Eiffel Tower on the back. The Paralympic medals showcase a view of the tower from underneath. For visually impaired individuals, the words "Paris 2024" are written in Braille, and the edges of the medals have notches to distinguish the different metals.

The Paris Mint is manufacturing a total of 5,084 medals, with approximately 2,600 for the Olympics and 2,400 for the Paralympics. The medals will be stored, some in case of reassignment due to doping scandals and others for museums. The gold medals weigh 529 grams and are silver plated with 6 grams of gold, while the silver and bronze medals weigh 525 grams and 455 grams, respectively. The medals will be presented in a dark-blue box from Chaumet, accompanied by a certificate from the Eiffel Tower Operating Co. verifying the origin of the iron pieces. The monetary value of the medals has not been disclosed. Overall, these unique and historic medals are set to wow athletes and spectators alike at the upcoming Paris Games.

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