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Arrr, more than a hundred souls gone, aye, 11 souls claimed by a monstrous landfall in a Philippine mountain hamlet!


Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! In the land o' Masara, a village o' gold-minin' in th' Southern Philippines, be plague'd by treacherous landslides. A terrible toll o' 11 souls be taken by Davy Jones himself, with 110 more poor souls still lost in th' murky depths.

In a tragic incident, a landslide has struck a village in the southern Philippines, resulting in 11 deaths and leaving 110 individuals missing. The landslide occurred in the gold-mining mountain village of Masara in Davao de Oro province on Tuesday night. Fortunately, 31 residents managed to survive with injuries. However, the search for the missing individuals had to be halted due to concerns over further landslides. The rescue operation is set to resume on Friday.
Davao de Oro provincial spokesperson, Edward Macapili, stated that the chances of finding more survivors among the missing were slim. As a precautionary measure, more than 1,165 families have been relocated to evacuation centers to ensure their safety. Among the missing are gold miners who were waiting in buses to be transported home when the landslide occurred, burying the vehicles. Some miners were lucky enough to escape through the windows or flee to safety.
The recent weeks had seen torrential rains in the region, causing floods. However, the weather was clear at the time of the landslide. The affected area had also experienced earthquakes, which resulted in damage to houses and buildings. The rescue and recovery efforts have been challenging due to the risk of further landslides.
This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by natural disasters. It is crucial for authorities to take necessary precautions and ensure the safety of vulnerable communities. The empathy and support of neighboring regions and the international community are also crucial in times like these.

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