The Booty Report

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Arrr, the swashbucklin' scallywag who crafted Counter-Strike's legendary chart be feelin' regret for handin' it o'er to Valve!


Had I been wise to the vastness of CS:GO and now CS2, by the powers, I'd never have parted with it, me hearties! Aye, a foolish move, forsooth!

Arrr, the swashbucklin' scallywag who crafted Counter-Strike's legendary chart be feelin' regret for handin' it o'er to Valve!

Arrr, me hearties! Let me spin ye a tale from the days of yore, when CS:GO was but a wee babe, not yet grown to the behemoth it be today. In the language of a 17th-century pirate, I shall regale ye with a yarn of regret and missed fortunes.

Picture me, a scallywag with a treasure trove of CS:GO, the finest plunder me eyes had ever laid upon. But alas! Foolish I be, for I sold me booty without a thought of the future. Little did I know, the tide would turn, and CS:GO would become a legend, spoken of in hushed whispers across the seven seas.

Had I possessed the foresight of a wise old sea dog, I would have clung to me precious CS:GO like a barnacle on a ship's hull! I would have guarded it with me life, for it be worth a king's ransom now. Pieces of eight would rain upon me, and I'd be the envy of every pirate in the Caribbean!

But alas, me hearties, the past cannot be changed, and this pirate be left with naught but regret. Me ship has sailed, and the treasure is in the hands of others. Yet, I take solace in knowing that I was once a part of the CS:GO phenomenon, even if me cutlass be not stained with the blood of virtual foes.

So, me fellow scoundrels, take heed of this cautionary tale. When ye stumble upon a gem in the gaming world, hold onto it tight, for ye never know when it might turn into a treasure beyond yer wildest dreams. And remember, me hearties, it be better to sail with the winds of fortune than to be left adrift, lamenting over the gold ye let slip through yer fingers.

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