The Booty Report

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Avast ye, mateys! Forsooth, Jonathan Hickman and Sanford Greene be unravelling the "final fate" of Doctor Doom come summer!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs, Hickman and Greene be settin' the stage for a mighty clash betwixt Doctor Doom and Galactus! Brace yerselves for a battle o' cosmic proportions, where rum-fueled chaos shall ensue! Avast, me hearties, 'tis sure to be a spectacle ye won't be forgettin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of Hickman and Greene, the crafty scoundrels who be settin' the stage for an epic showdown in the treacherous waters of the comic book world. They be takin' Doctor Doom, that dastardly villain with a metal mask, and pittin' him against none other than Galactus, the devourer of worlds himself!

Now ye might be wonderin', why in Davy Jones' locker would these two ferocious beings be at each other's throats? Well, it be a simple matter of power and greed, me mateys. Doctor Doom, always schemin' and plottin' to conquer all, be seekin' the ultimate power that Galactus possesses - the power to consume entire planets!

But hold onto yer peg legs, because there be a twist in this tale. Hickman and Greene, bein' the clever marauders they be, know how to spin a yarn that'll make ye laugh 'til yer sides ache. They be tellin' this epic battle in the tongue of a 17th century pirate, with all the "arrs" and "avasts" ye can imagine!

Picture it now, me hearties. Doctor Doom, with his cunning wit and metal mask, be shoutin' out threats like, "Avast, ye bloated sack of wind! I'll send ye to Davy Jones' locker, or me name ain't Doom!" And Galactus, that colossal cosmic being, be respondin' in kind, boomin' out, "Yarrr, Doom! I'll feast upon yer puny planet, and there be nary a thing ye can do to stop me!"

This be a battle for the ages, me mateys. Hickman and Greene be bringin' the laughs and the excitement in equal measure. So gather round and hoist yer grog, for the clash of the titans be upon us. Will Doctor Doom outsmart Galactus, or will the devourer of worlds gobble him up like a piece of sea biscuit? Only time will tell, but rest assured, it be a tale worth tellin' for generations to come!

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