The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Daisy Ridley be lovin' every jolly tune on this Stormzy album, no scurvy dog can deny!


Arr, when the lass of the famed picture "Sometimes I Think About Dying" be listenin' to "This Be What I Mean," she boldly declares, "I don't tinker with it, nothin' at all. 'Tis a masterpiece, I tell ye!"

In the 17th century, mateys, there be a tale of a star o' the silver screen. Aye, she be watchin' a film called "Sometimes I Think About Dying," and there be a song she be listenin' to called "This Is What I Mean." The lass, she be sayin', "I don't shuffle it, nothin'. It be perfect!"

Ahoy, me hearties! This star o' the cinema, she be lovin' this ditty so much that she don't dare be messin' with the order of the songs on her playlist. She be sayin' it be perfect just the way it be. Arrr, can ye imagine the audacity?

Now, let me translate this jargon into modern speak so ye can understand. This here lass, she be enthralled by the film "Sometimes I Think About Dying." And when she hears the tune "This Is What I Mean," she be claimin' it be beyond compare. She don't even think about rearrangin' her playlist, for she believes this song be the pinnacle of perfection.

But let's return to the high seas, my fellow scallywags! Picture this starlet, sittin' in her cabin, watchin' the flick and groovin' to the tunes. When this particular sea shanty be playin', she be captivated, unable to resist its charm. She be so smitten by its melody, me hearties, that she don't dare press that dreaded shuffle button. No, no, it be perfect, she says, and she ain't messin' with perfection!

So, there ye have it, me buckos! A tale of a 17th century pirate star, entranced by a film and its musical accompaniment. She be holdin' on to that song like a treasure, claimin' it be perfect just as it be. Aye, sometimes even pirates be havin' a touch of sentimentality.

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