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Arr, Hungary's cap'n be walkin' the plank aft'r a bitta outrage fer grantin' pardon in wee ones' abuse!


In the midst of seething fury at Hungary's president, Katalin Novák, for pardoning a malefactor who hid heinous childly abuses, she hastily sailed back from Qatar to proffer her resignation. Arr, the tempest swells!

The president of Hungary, Katalin Novák, has stepped down after facing backlash for pardoning a man convicted of concealing sexual abuse of children. Novák, who had been in office since 2022, made the announcement following a street protest against her decision. In a televised message, she acknowledged that her pardon had caused bewilderment and unrest among many people. Novák had granted the pardon in April, believing that the convict had not abused the vulnerable children under his care. However, she admitted that her lack of reasoning triggered doubts over the zero tolerance policy against pedophilia. The decision to pardon the man convicted as an accomplice in a child sex abuse cover-up case in a children's home led to protests in Budapest, with demands for Novák's resignation. She was in Doha at the time but had to cut short her trip and return to Budapest to address the scandal.
Novák had decided to grant pardons to around two dozen people ahead of a visit by Pope Francis. The deputy director of a children's home, who had helped hide the crimes of the former director, was among those pardoned. The director had been sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing underage boys. Hungary's opposition parties also called for Novák's resignation, with protesters holding signs demanding her resignation. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in an attempt to contain the political fallout, submitted a constitutional amendment depriving the president of the right to pardon crimes against children. Orbán's former justice minister, Judit Varga, who had also signed off on the pardon, announced her resignation as a Member of Parliament.
Orbán, known for his conservative and anti-immigration stance, won a fourth-term election victory in 2022. He has been praised by his supporters for promoting Christian democratic, conservative, and patriotic politics. However, he has also faced criticism for his comparison of Hungary's EU membership to the Soviet communist occupation. Novák's resignation adds to the political challenges faced by Orbán's Fidesz party, which is starting its campaign for the upcoming European Parliament elections in June.

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