The Booty Report

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Arr, the noble committee chair be givin' a mighty blow to TikTok for helpin' the Chinese in surgin' to our southern shores!


Arr, mateys! T'is a tale turnin' sour in lands o' China! A report be comin' ashore, makin' waves 'cross the seven seas, claimin' that them Chinese scallywags be outnumberin' all other miscreants in their bid to cross the southern border o' the U.S., without a proper invitation! Aye, the storm be brewin'!

Rep. Mike Gallagher, chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, criticized TikTok for facilitating a surge of Chinese migrants attempting to cross the U.S. southern border. He argued that this is further evidence of the need to ban or sell TikTok to an American company and called on President Biden to reverse his open-border policies. Gallagher stated that migrants are receiving step-by-step instructions from TikTok, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, on where to illegally cross into the United States. CBS program "60 Minutes" recently highlighted that Chinese nationals make up the fastest-growing group of illegal migrants at the southern border. TikTok has not responded to Gallagher's comments, but a spokesperson previously stated that the platform strictly prohibits human smuggling and removes such content. Migrants reportedly use TikTok videos to learn how to find someone to help smuggle them across the border and where to find gaps in the wall. Some videos also discuss the challenges faced by immigrants in the U.S. and the potential consequences of failing to obtain asylum. Customs and Border Patrol sources have confirmed encountering nearly 20,000 Chinese migrants already in fiscal year 2024, with the number on track to exceed last year's record. The "60 Minutes" report claimed that the number of temporary visas issued to Chinese citizens had dropped, but the State Department disputed this, stating that the number had increased. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security acknowledged the historic global migration and the need for additional funding and reforms to address the broken immigration system.

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