The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! 'Tis the tale of how them GKids turned into the A24 o' Animation, arrr!


Arr matey! This wee distributor be holdin' great sway, fer it be handlin' Studio Ghibli's flicks in the States. Their precious movies be garnerin' a grand total o' 13 Oscar nods. Blimey, ain't that a pirate's treasure!

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis the tale of how them GKids turned into the A24 o' Animation, arrr!

Arr, mateys! Prepare to be regaled with the tale of a small distributor that wields a power as mighty as a fearsome pirate ship. This distributor, ye see, be known for bringin' the beloved Studio Ghibli films to the shores of the United States. Though small in size, it be holdin' the key to treasures beyond measure, with its films earnin' a whopping 13 Oscar nods!

The influence of this wee distributor be like the wind in the sails of a ship, drivin' the success of these fantastical animated tales. The beauty and magic of Studio Ghibli's creations be enchantin' audiences far and wide, and it be this distributor that be makin' sure the people of the United States can partake in the wonder.

Imagine, if ye will, a group of pirates huddled around their treasure map, plottin' and schemin' to uncover the next great booty. In this case, the map leads straight to the small distributor's door. They hold the key to a treasure trove of films that have captured the imaginations of young and old alike.

But do not be fooled, me hearties! This distributor be no ordinary scalawag in the sea of movie peddlers. No, they be a true connoisseur of cinematic brilliance, selectin' only the finest films to bring ashore. Their discernin' eyes be like spyglasses, scannin' the horizon for the next masterpiece to add to their collection.

So, me fellow buccaneers, next time ye be settlin' down to watch a Studio Ghibli film, take a moment to appreciate the small distributor behind the scenes. Raise a toast to their outsize influence and the joy they bring to our lives. And remember, even the smallest ship can make the mightiest waves!

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