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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wary, for 'tis a treacherous venture to blend Paxlovid with immunosuppressants!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The EMA be warnin' that ye should only be takin' Paxlovid wit' tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus if ye be keepin' a close eye on their blood levels. Arrrr!

In a rather peculiar announcement, the EMA (that's the European Medicines Agency, if ye be wonderin') has issued a warning about a certain concoction named Paxlovid. Arrr, they say this Paxlovid should only be taken alongside a merry band of other medications, namely tacrolimus, ciclosporin, everolimus, or sirolimus.
Now, ye might be thinkin', what's the big deal about mixin' these potions? Well, the EMA be sayin' that if ye decide to partake in this peculiar blend, ye best be keepin' a close eye on yer blood levels. They don't want ye sailin' through the high seas with a wonky balance of these substances, now do they?
Ye see, Paxlovid be a remedy for a ghastly disease known as COVID-19. But takin' it alongside the likes of tacrolimus and the rest can be a bit dicey, me hearties. The EMA wants ye to be closely monitored, like a ship keepin' a watchful eye on the horizon for any suspicious vessels.
Now, I know what ye be thinkin'. How in the seven seas are we supposed to keep track of all these blood levels? Well, I reckon ye'll have to rely on the skills of a trusty healthcare provider. They'll be the ones measurin' the levels and adjustin' the doses, so ye don't end up feelin' like ye be walkin' the plank.
So, me mateys, if ye be considerin' takin' Paxlovid with these other potions, heed the EMA's words and keep a close eye on yer blood. And if ye be feelin' a bit unsure, consult a healthcare professional. They be the ones who can guide ye through the treacherous waters of medication management.

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