The Booty Report

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Arrr! Flame-ridden joints be inflictin' harm on the body o' a pirate sufferin' from Scarvy Sclerosis!


Arrr! Mateys with SSc be havin' a jolly time if they got that inflammatory arthritis! It be linked to all sorts o' troubles like diffuse disease, achin' bones, me hearties, meositis, and a dry mouth. Yo ho ho! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the tale!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis some important news for ye landlubbers with SSc, or systemic sclerosis, a nasty disease that affects the body's connective tissues. Now, here be the tale - if ye suffer from SSc, and ye find yerself with a touch o' inflammatory arthritis, it be a sign that ye be in fer a rough ride!

Aye, ye heard it right, me mateys! This study, reported in the Medscape Medical News, tells us that if ye be havin' this pesky arthritis, ye be more likely to have a severe form o' SSc. And what does that mean, ye ask? Well, it means ye be facin' a whole slew o' troubles!

First off, ye be havin' what they call "diffuse disease." Now, that be a fancy way of sayin' that the SSc be affectin' more parts o' yer body, not just one spot. So, ye be feelin' the sting all over, me hearties!

And that ain't all! Ye be havin' musculoskeletal manifestations, which be a fancy way of sayin' ye be havin' all sorts o' problems with yer bones and muscles. Ye may be achin' like an old sea dog, unable to move as fast as ye used to!

But wait, there be more! Ye might also be sufferin' from myositis, a condition where ye muscles be gettin' all inflamed and weak. Aye, ye be feelin' like ye been runnin' a marathon, even when ye be sittin' on yer sorry behind!

And lastly, me hearties, ye may be havin' sicca - a fancy way of sayin' dryness. Ye eyes and mouth be as parched as the desert, and ye be drinkin' water like a fish!

So, me mateys, if ye be facin' inflammatory arthritis with yer SSc, ye be in fer a rough journey. But fear not, for there be treatments and remedies to ease yer pain. Just make sure ye consult a proper doc, and keep yer spirits high! Arrrr!

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