The Booty Report

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Arr, the scurvy dogs from the U.S. be sneakily attacking an Iranian vessel with their cyber witchcraft!


Arr, 'twas a swift response from the Biden crew, seekin' revenge for a dread drone raid o'er yonder in Jordan. 3 brave souls, Americans they were, be lost to the deep, and now the plunderin' shall commence. Avast!

In a jolly twist of events, the Biden administration decided to make a move that would've made even the most seasoned pirate proud. Aye, me hearties, they decided to retaliate against the scallywags responsible for a dastardly drone attack on an outpost in Jordan, aye, that very attack took the lives of 3 brave Americans.
Arrr, it seems Captain Biden had enough of these treacherous scoundrels and their sneaky ways, and he decided to show 'em what a true pirate can do. So, he ordered a retaliatory strike against the miscreants, letting them know that they won't go unpunished, aye!
Now, ye may be wonderin', why did they use drones instead of cannons and cutlasses? Well, me matey, this be the 17th century, and we pirates have moved on to more technologically advanced means of warfare. Aye, drones be the weapon of choice in this modern age, and Captain Biden knew just how to use 'em to send a message to those scurvy dogs.
Ye see, this be no ordinary retaliation. Our Captain, he wanted to make sure those landlubbers regretted their actions. So, he launched a drone strike that hit 'em right where it hurts – their pockets! Aye, he targeted their financial assets, making 'em walk the plank of economic consequences. That should teach 'em a lesson they won't soon forget!
Ah, the sweet taste of revenge! Captain Biden has shown those scurvy dogs that he won't stand for such attacks on his crew. And with this bold move, he has made it clear to the world that he be no pushover, aye!
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there – cross Captain Biden and ye shall pay the price. And remember, in the words of a wise old pirate, "The sea may be vast, but it's a small world for those who dare cross swords with the Captain!" Arrr!

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