The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! Willis be ready to face the plank again to argue fer Trump in Georgia's court!


Arrr! The fancy Fulton County district attorney be making an entrance, mateys, after a day o' fiery quarrels with them defense lawyers 'bout her affair with a special prosecutor, aye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, the Fulton County district attorney be making an appearance after a whole day of fiery arguments with them defense lawyers regarding her connection with a special prosecutor, arrr!

Now, ye see, me mateys, this district attorney be causin' quite a stir among them lawyers. They be accusin' her of havin' too close a relationship with this special prosecutor, and it be downright heated, I tell ye! Aye, it be like a cannonball volley goin' back and forth!

But let's be honest, me hearties, this whole situation be rather amusin'. I mean, it's like watchin' a crew of scallywags squabblin' over a bottle of rum. They be throwin' accusations and fiery words at each other, tryin' to make each other walk the plank!

I can just picture it now, the district attorney stormin' into the court, wearin' her finest pirate getup, swords at her side, ready to defend her honor! And those defense lawyers, huddled together like a bunch of landlubbers, tryin' to come up with clever arguments to make her walk the plank.

But, me hearties, I reckon this be nothin' more than a bit of a spectacle. A show for the landlubbers to enjoy. In the end, the truth will prevail, and justice will be served, pirate style!

So, let's raise a tankard of grog to this whole charade, me mateys. May the district attorney and them defense lawyers continue their banter in the most humorous and pirate-like manner. Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum for all!

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