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Arrr, Mexican highways be blocked by scallywag truckers protestin' violent robberies! Avast, a mighty inconvenience!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The dastardly deeds of these landlubber highwaymen be inspirin' the noble truckers from the Mexican Alliance of Drivers' Organizations to blockade the roadways 'round Mexico City! They be cryin', "Avast, ye government! Provide us with highway patrols, or we'll make ye walk the plank!"

Truckers in Mexico City staged humorous protests on busy highways to protest the increasing number of robberies and killings of drivers. Organized by the Mexican Alliance of Drivers' Organizations (Amotac), the protests aimed to pressure the government into stepping up highway patrols. Truckers either drove slowly or blocked lanes of traffic, displaying banners with messages like "The highways of Mexico are stained with blood." In the past, thieves would hijack trucks and abandon the drivers after stealing the cargo. However, recently, industry groups claim that gangs have started killing drivers and selling the stripped trucks for parts.

The Interior Department responded to the protests by stating that negotiations with other truck drivers' groups had already resulted in agreements for more patrol cars. They deemed the Amotac protests "unjustified and baseless." In addition to increased patrols, Amotac is demanding increased inspections or bans on certain types of double-semi trailers that are considered dangerous. They also want to eliminate certain charges, fees, or tolls.

Overall, the protests by the truckers aimed to draw attention to the alarming incidents of killings and robberies on the highways in Mexico. By adopting a humorous tone and using pirate-like language, the truckers sought to convey their grievances in a lighthearted manner. Their demands for increased security measures and reforms in the trucking industry highlight the urgent need for the government to address the safety concerns faced by drivers.

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