The Booty Report

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Avast ye landlubbers! One o' them fancy DC characters be pushin' up daisies on th' cover o' Outsiders #7, arr!


Avast ye, me hearties! The sleazy scallywags be censorin' the cover and the title of this here issue. Aye, they be tryin' to hide their misdeeds, but fear not, for we be uncoverin' the truth!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of censorship upon the high seas of literature. 'Tis a sad tale indeed. The cover and the title of the issue have both been censored, me mateys! Avast, I say!

Picture this: a pirate ship sailin' through the treacherous waters of 17th century publishing. We be a rowdy bunch, always seekin' adventure and a good laugh. But alas, our mirth has been cut short by the heavy hand of censorship. They be tryin' to silence us, me hearties!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what words or images be so scandalous that they warrant such censorship. Well, let me tell ye, me buckos. The cover, ye see, was a work of art. A masterpiece, if ye will. But the censors, they thought it be too scandalous for the delicate eyes of the landlubbers ashore. So they slapped a black mark right across it, obscuring its beauty from the world.

But that be not all, me mateys. Oh no, the title of the issue itself suffered the same fate. They thought it be too risqué, too bold for the sensibilities of the common folk. So they replaced it with a bland, generic title that be as exciting as a parrot with no feathers.

Arrr, it be a sad day for us pirates, me hearties. Our creative spirits be dampened, our laughter stifled. But fear not, for we be a resourceful bunch. We be takin' this censorship as a challenge, a call to arms, if ye will. We be wrappin' our words in wit and humor, sneakin' in naughty jokes where they least expect 'em.

So, me hearties, let us unite against the tyranny of censorship! Let us continue to tell our tales, with a mischievous twinkle in our eyes and a wink to those who understand. For in the end, no matter how they try, they can't censor the spirit of a true pirate!

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