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"Arrr, scallywags claim 'rapid onset gender dysphoria' be real, goin' against the tide of the doubters!"


Arr matey! Them scallywags be sayin' that gender dysphoria be in yer blood, but some wise folk be talkin' bout this "rapid onset gender dysphoria." Could be a load o' barnacles if ye ask me! Aye, tis a queer world we live in!

In the realm of transgender activism, the debate over gender dysphoria and medical transitions for children is a hot topic. Some argue that gender dysphoria is innate and biological, while others point to a rise in adolescent girls identifying as transgender as evidence of "rapid onset gender dysphoria." Researchers like Leor Sapir, Lisa Littman, and Michael Biggs have criticized studies by University of California psychiatrist Jack Turban, who claims to debunk the concept of ROGD.Turban's research is based on a 2015 survey, which Sapir and his team believe is outdated and excludes important perspectives. They argue that the idea of transgender identity being innate is crucial for justifying medical interventions, especially for minors. Littman has proposed three hypotheses about ROGD, including its association with mental health issues and social pressure.Sapir believes that activists and ideologues have taken over medical journals and are driving the research narrative. He criticizes the peer review process and claims that dissenting views are often silenced. Despite his efforts to challenge Turban's work, Sapir faces rejection and censorship from journals like the Journal of Adolescent Health. The debate over ROGD and transgender identity continues to be contentious and polarizing in the medical and academic communities.

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