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Arrr! Haley be advisin' Trump to keep his mitts off RNC treasure chest for his legal battles! Aye!


Arrr mateys, GOP lass Nikki Haley be warnin' that scallywag Trump will plunder the RNC to settle his legal quarrels if he be winnin' the nomination in 2024. Ye best keep a weather eye on that one, me hearties! Aye, the political seas be treacherous indeed!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley be warnin' that former President Donald Trump be lookin' to plunder the RNC to pay off his legal debts, should he be winnin' the 2024 GOP nomination. Aye, in an interview on CNN, Haley said she ain't wantin' the RNC to be used as Trump's personal treasure chest."My biggest issue be that I don’t want the RNC to be his legal defense fund," Haley told CNN's Kaitlan Collins. "We've already seen him spendin' millions of doubloons from campaign contributions on his court cases. Now, he be tryin' to seize control of the RNC to avoid payin' his own legal fees."Arrr, these comments come after a judge in New York ordered Trump to hand over more than $350 million in a civil fraud case brought by the state's Attorney General. The judge ruled that Trump had been part of fraud and falsification, leadin' to this hefty punishment. Trump's sons were also banned from holdin' office in New York for two years.Despite the RNC admittin' to payin' some of Trump's legal fees in the past, they declared they wouldn't cover 'em once he became a White House candidate. Haley be worryin' that if Trump be winnin' the nomination, he'll use the RNC and loyal donors to settle his debts. Trump's endorsements for RNC leadership further raise concerns that he be tryin' to control the party for his own gain.Trump and Haley be set to clash in the South Carolina Republican primary, where the stakes be high as a mast in a storm. Fox News Digital's Michael Lee be contributin' to this report, keepin' ye informed on the political seas.

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