The Booty Report

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Arrr, hundreds of scallywags mournin' Navalny be thrown in the brig across the vast seas of Russia!


Arrr, 'tis been told that over 400 scallywags 'ave been captured across the land of Russia since the passin' o' Aleksei Navalny. Those who sought comfort in layin' flowers were met with the camaraderie o' fellow mates. Aye, solidarity be a powerful force indeed!

"Arrr, mateys, listen up! Aye, there be trouble brewin' in the land of Russia. A rights group be reportin' that over 400 scallywags have been thrown in the brig since the infamous Aleksei Navalny met his demise. But fear not, me hearties, for there be a glimmer of hope in these dark times. Those brave souls who dared to lay flowers in memory of Navalny found comfort in each other's company, standin' together against the tyranny of the authorities.
So ye see, even in the face of danger and persecution, the spirit of resistance lives on. Aye, the powers that be may try to silence us, but we will not be swayed. We will raise our voices, we will stand united, and we will fight for what be right. And who knows, me buckos, maybe one day we'll see a fairer and more just world. Until then, let's raise a toast to courage, solidarity, and the unbreakable human spirit!

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