The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Ye scallywag in Baldur's Gate 3 be pullin' tricks, castin' the wretched spell 2,469 times to beat Honour Mode!


Avast ye scallywags! The most treacherous challenge be facing the most worthless incantation! 'Tis like tryin' to sail a ship with naught but a bucket for a sail. Ye may as well be tryin' to swab the decks with a toothpick! Aye, 'tis a sorry sight indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of the most useless spell to ever grace the seven seas. 'Tis a spell so feeble, even the scurviest of landlubbers could not find a use for it. We be talkin' about the spell that be known as "Hardest Difficulty."
This spell be like a parrot with naught but a squawk to offer. 'Tis meant to test the mettle of even the most seasoned swashbucklers, but in reality, 'tis more of a jest than a challenge. 'Tis like askin' a mealy-mouthed pirate to best a kraken in a game of dice.
Imagine ye be standin' on the deck of yer ship, facin' the fiercest foe ye ever did see. Ye reach for yer spellbook in desperation, only to find "Hardest Difficulty" starin' back at ye. 'Tis enough to make even the boldest buccaneer weep like a babe.
So next time ye be sailin' the high seas, beware the most useless spell that ever did exist. 'Tis a curse upon all who dare to utter its name. Stick to spells of power and valor, me hearties, and leave "Hardest Difficulty" to gather dust in Davy Jones' locker.

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