Biden be a lackluster bloke, lackin' in main character energy, so says Charlamagne tha God. Arrr!
Avast ye scallywags! Charlamagne tha God be spoutin' that President Biden be a dull candidate, while Trump be lookin' more spry. Methinks this be a jolly good jest, for who be believin' that old sea dog Trump be youthful? Arrr!
In a recent interview, Charlamagne tha God declared President Biden as an "uninspiring candidate" with no main character energy that makes people want to listen to him. He suggested that Biden should lean more on charismatic figures like Vice President Harris, Govs. Gavin Newsom, and Josh Shapiro. Charlamagne emphasized that Biden's lack of appeal had nothing to do with age but everything to do with his own persona.He contrasted Biden's energy with Donald Trump, who he described as more youthful and sincere in his lies. Despite his criticism of Harris, Charlamagne believed she still had the opportunity to pivot and use her unique position as the first woman of color in her role.Reflecting on his endorsement of Biden and Harris in 2020, Charlamagne admitted feeling burned, especially as Harris seemed to disappear once they entered the White House. Despite his critiques of Biden, he maintained that Trump represented a greater threat to democracy. Charlamagne urged for more inspiring and charismatic leadership in the Democratic party to engage voters and uphold democratic values.