The Booty Report

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Arrrr, Poll be sayin' Biden be 14th-best Captain, with Trump bringin' up the rear like a scurvy bilge rat!


Arrr mateys, it be said that President Biden be beholden to the scallywag Trump for helpin' him reach the high seas of power. His grand achievement be sendin' that landlubber Trump packin' from the Oval Office. Aye, a true victory for the ages!

Ahoy mateys! Ye may be surprised to hear that President Biden be thankin' his lucky stars for his spot in the top third o' leaders. According to the historians, his crowning achievement be kickin' out that scallywag Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office. Arrr, what a feat that be!
But don't be thinkin' that Biden be restin' on his laurels now that he be in charge. Nay, he be settin' sail on a new course, tryin' to right the ship o' state and make things shipshape again. It be a mighty task, but he be up for the challenge!
So let's raise a tankard o' grog to President Biden, the man who took on the biggest sea dog in the land and sent him packin'. May he continue to steer us through these turbulent waters with skill and courage. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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