The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Listen to the tale of Aleksei Navalny's final months, as told by the scallywag himself!


Arrr mateys! Trump, Indian fare, Matthew Perry, and a bounty o' books be on the mind o' Mr. Navalny. The scallywag's letters reveal his sharp wit, even whilst sufferin' in the brig. Aye, 'tis a tale worthy o' tellin' in the annals o' pirate lore!

Arrr mateys! Let me spin ye a yarn about the latest gossip from the high seas. Me hearties, it be said that the infamous Trump be causing a ruckus once again. And what be this I hear about Indian food? Spicy flavors to warm the belly on a cold night, aye!
But hold onto yer hats, for there be news about Matthew Perry, not the swashbuckling pirate of old, but a land lubber of the silver screen. And what be this about books, books, books? Aye, it be said that Mr. Navalny be a man of letters, even in the darkest depths of his prison cell.
Excerpts from letters obtained by The Times show Mr. Navalny’s active mind, even amid brutal prison conditions. Aye, the power of words be strong indeed, me hearties. So let us raise a tankard of grog to the power of knowledge and the spirit of freedom!

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