The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Persona 3 Reload be havin' a lassie protagonist now, all thanks to some scallywags and their mods!


Avast ye scallywags! The 'Femc-Reloaded-Project' be sailin' the digital seas on GitHub! Raise the Jolly Roger and set course for code plunderin'! Yarrr!

Arr matey! Persona 3 Reload be havin' a lassie protagonist now, all thanks to some scallywags and their mods!

Arr mateys, listen up! I've got some jolly good news for ye all. The 'Femc-Reloaded-Project' be up on GitHub for all ye scallywags to see. Aye, that's right, me hearties! This be the place where ye can find all the latest updates and improvements for the project.
So if ye be wantin' to get yer hooks into some top-notch code and help make the project even better, then head on over to GitHub and join the crew. There be plenty of treasure to be found in them thar code repositories, so don't be missin' out!
And don't ye be worryin' if ye be new to the world of code and GitHub. The crew be a friendly bunch of mateys who be happy to lend a hand and show ye the ropes. So come aboard and join us on this grand adventure of code and camaraderie!
So hoist the sails and set a course for GitHub, me hearties! The 'Femc-Reloaded-Project' be waitin' for ye to join in the fun and help make it the best it can be. Yarrr!

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